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Studio e Lavoro

Discover how to start your career with PwC in Italy and Mercatorum University.
An innovative project that can change the course of your future. PwC offers a great opportunity to young graduates aged 18 to 20 who want to boost their academic and professional journey.

An unmissable opportunity
Imagine being able to start working for PwC in Italy immediately, one of the leading organizations in the world of professional services, while studying Economics.

Here's what "Studio e Lavoro" offers!

Hiring You will join PwC, with the opportunity to work with one of the most prestigious and innovative entities in the professional services sector.
You will benefit from a scholarship covering your three-year degree program in Economics at the Mercatorum Telematic University.
Flexibility You can attend online university courses with the flexibility to manage your studies based on your work commitments.
Guidance You will have tutors who will support and guide you throughout the study and work process.

Are you ready to start this adventure?

Hiring path involve informational and motivational interviews. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of "Studio e Lavoro" and build your future by starting your journey towards academic and professional success with PwC.